
Preventive Dental Care Packages

Preventive Dental Care Packages

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Vital Tooth


Preventive Dental Care Packages

The unique Preventive dental care packages are best suited for individuals aged 16 to 42 that cater to various dental needs. These packages focus on maintaining optimal oral health and preventing future dental problems.

Basic Preventive Care Package : Ideal for 16 - 25 year old age group.

Comprehensive Preventive Care Package : Ideal for 26 - 34 year old age group

Advanced Preventive Care Package : Ideal for 35 - 43 year old age group

Teen  Preventive Care Package : Ideal for 15 - 20 year old age group

Family Preventive Care Package : Ideal for a family of 2 adults/2 kids

Oral Cancer Preventive Care Package : Ideal for individuals with smoking /alcohol/substance addiction

All the packages cater to preventive care and are designed to fit the unique needs of each individuals , ,offering peace of mind and long term oral health benefits.

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